The Sun Goddess and The Mermaid

One who lives for the water. Who could swim forever and never get tired.

One who can’t get enough of the heat from the sun. Who basks in the sunlight everyday.

Two beauties who are different but love each other. As close as two sisters can get.


The Ohio State Reformatory 2017

The Ohio State Reformatory opened in 1886 and it has one of the most interesting histories. It has been the set for numerous movies such as, Shawshank Redemption, Tango and Cash, Air Force One and Harry and Walter Go To New York. It even has some ghost stories that will chill you to the bone.

To get the full and interesting history I would recommend a tour. Visit: for more information




And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.

I love landscapes. I get that from my uncle.

Cynefin (Welsh): a place where a person or an animal feels it ought to live and belong; it is where nature around you feels right and welcoming